Sunday, August 17, 2014

My New Goal

Everyone tells me that the Peace Corps is an amazing, life changing experience. It is, but no one ever warned me about the boring days that drag on. Of course, this happens in the US. You go through days where time passes slowly or you wait in line for what seems like an eternity. That same feeling happens here and I'm experiencing it now.

Classes still haven't started and they won't start for another week. I've been trying to keep myself busy by planning trips, training for the half marathon, and studying for the GRE's. I've written letters to people, gone to festivals with my host family, and met knew people around the village. I've also started small lessons outside of class, but students are busy with Independence Day festivities (by the way, Independence Day lasts about 3 weeks here....)

But now all I want is for school to start. I want to start teaching so I can get to know my students and do what I came here to do. As a result of all this waiting, I'm getting a little anxious. So...I started a new project and I need YOUR help. I have a wall in my room that is completely blank. It needs to be decorated. I would love it if people sent me postcards from their hometowns or from places they've traveled to. I want to collect postcards from ALL OVER and put them up on my wall! Even if you're a stranger, please write and of course I'll give you a postcard from Indonesia in return. 

The blog website that I use has a breakdown of countries that my blog has been read in. People have read my blog from the UK, Germany, France, Canada, the US, Indonesia, Japan, Columbia, Brazil and a few other countries. It would be wonderful if people could send me postcards from the location where they read my blog! Please help the time go by quickly and write to me! 

Kruti Patel 
Jl. P. Sudirman
87 Bodag Panggul
Trenggalek 66364
Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Again, I will write back to you. It might take a month or two for the letter to reach you, but it will get to you slowly but surly. Thank you!

Your Bored Peace Corps Volunteer

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