Friday, January 2, 2015

Salamat New Years

New Years is typically a time for reflection. Obviously I participated in the age old tradition of looking back at the year that is being left behind. I wrote in my journal, I reread my old blog posts, and oh...I listened to all of Taylor Swift's 2014 hit songs. So what was my takeaway from 2014? It can be summed up in two words:


At the beginning of 2014, I lived in my parents home in Connecticut. I listened to the radio while driving to work, I updated my Facebook account on my iphone, I did laundry every 2 weeks because I had enough clothes to last me that life was completely different from what it is now. 

Everyday I have to make decisions that you normally wouldn't think I'd have to make. Here's a list of comparisons I've made from my daily life in America versus my daily life in Indonesia. 

In America: 
1) Put dirty clothes in washer. 
2) Go do something fun. 
2) Put clothes in dyer. 
4) Go do something fun. 
5)Hang clothes in closet. 
6) Repeat 2 weeks later
Estimated time: 20 minutes worth of work

In Indonesia: 
1) Soak clothes in a bucket of water to get the dirt off.
2) Fill another bucket with water, put soap in. 
3) Let clothes soak for 20 minutes in soapy water. 
4) Hand wash every single items of clothing. 
5) Get angry when one of my items of clothing leaks color (yes, this happens EVERY time. No, I haven't learned my lesson yet). 
6) Put clothes in bucket with fresh water. 
7) Rinse each item of clothing until soap is out
8) Take each item of clothing and ring it dry (if you don't do this, the bucket of clothes will be too heavy to carry outside)
9) Put big clothing items (skirts, shirts, pants) on the line in front of the house
10) Put little clothing items (underwear, socks) on the line on top the roof 
11) Wait a day. 
12) Iron clothes because my host mom yells at me to do so
13) Repeat every 3 days
Estimated time: 2.5-3 hours worth of work 

Note: I have to set aside an entire morning to do laundry. I cannot do it in the evening because the clothes will ONLY dry underneath the sun.  The climate is too moist for the clothes to dry during any other time of the day. 

Using the Internet:
In America: 
1) Pull phone out of pocket

In Indonesia: 
1) Walk 5 minutes to school
2) Log onto the wifi if available
3) If wifi is not working at school, bike 3 miles to the closest internet cafe. 

Note: If the rain is heavy, the entire village will be out of internet. 

In America: 
1) Put on shorts and a t shirt 
2) Go to gym
3) Wait for available treadmill 

In Indonesia: 
1) Estimate the time of rainfall 
2) Time the work out. I cannot run between 10am-2pm. The weather is too hot. 
3) If it is not raining, then I will wear pants (yes, pants in 90 degree weather) and t shirt

Bath Time:
In America: Shower power
In Indonesia: Brace myself for cold bucket bath

Taking a Day Trip:
In America: Drive to my destination. Have fun along the way

In Indonesia
1) Pack nausea medication
2) Hop in van full of locals
3) Answer the locals' questions. Introduce myself. Explain to them why I live in a village in Indonesia
4) Take nausea medicine while driving on the windy roads on the mountain range
5) Get to the main bus station that is 2 hours away
6) Take another bus to the next city
7) Spend a night in a hotel
8) Reverse the trip while making sure to get back to the main bus station before 4pm. The vans from the bus station to my village stop at 4pm.

As you can see, my daily life in Indonesia has changed drastically. Every time I want to leave my village, I ask myself, "Is it even worth it?" It is sometimes such a hassle to leave the house, even for internet access. I broke my iphone, yet I do not want to buy another one. When I want to listen to music, I actually sit down and enjoy each song as it plays from my laptop. I am not as distracted anymore. When I take long bus rides, I don't listen to music or play games. I look out the window, make conversation with the people sitting next to me, and enjoy the scenery.

Oddly enough, I have enjoyed the adjustment. I find that living without certain amenities has made me appreciate time more. I realize how precious time is because it takes me an incredibly long time to do one task. Without a doubt, this lifestyle change has helped me grow as a person.

I've also changed on the inside. I realized I've become more a listener than a talker. I handle situations more calmly. I got rid of Facebook (well, I have an Indonesian account so my students can contact me, but no one from America). I got rid of my iphone. I enjoy today rather than plan ahead for the future. My hair is growing back. In fact, I have cute bangs again. I'm stopping my eye twitch (those who know me know of my OCD eye twitch. I'm finally doing something about it. YAY!) 2014 has been a year full of change. I'm excited for all the new adventures coming up in 2015.

Happy New Year, everyone! 

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